Should I Wear a Cape?

 9 Socially Acceptable Cape-Wearing Situations

[You probably found your way here because you typed a phrase like “when is it okay to wear a cape?” into a search engine. Good, and welcome! That’s exactly what I was going for and it’s good to feel your eyes on my work. If you’re only reading this because you stumbled upon it, then I hope you also find the list valuable in some way.]

Capes get an unjustified bad reputation. Think about it: Have you ever seen a human being wearing one in public without doing a double take? Don’t lie; you have not. Do you consider the cape a clothing item that’s part of normal wardrobes? If you answered yes, then why are you even reading this article? You’re already confident enough to make it work.

The truth is, you won’t see many capes on a daily basis because they’re not traditional apparel. But what happens when you get a burning urge to sport your bitchin’ new forty-eight incher? Should you suppress that urge and button up your cardigan instead? Well, that all depends on the situation…

Here are a few occasions you could wear a cape without fear of frightened gazes:

[highlight] #1: Geek Culture Conventions [/highlight]

Come on – this one’s a given. Whether you’re attending Comic-Con, C2E2, Anime Central, PAX, WonderCon, Dragon*Con, the World Horror Convention, or any other con where there’ll be rooms packed with sweaty nerds, it’s safe to assume that no one will judge you for wearing a cape.

[highlight] #2: Costume Parties and Halloween Events [/highlight]

This one needs no explanation, either. Capes complete Halloween and masquerade costumes for wannabe vampires, knights, witches, superheroes, and even Elvis impersonators. You certainly won’t look like a freak in this instance.

[highlight] #3: Board Game Parties [/highlight]

Yeah, that’s right – board game parties. They exist! Tabletop games tend to attract geek types en masse, and costume pieces aren’t uncommon. I can’t think of a better place to show off a colorful cape. You’ll probably earn all kinds of compliments.

[highlight] #4: Fashion Runways [/highlight]

No one on the planet possesses less fashion sense than yours truly, but I’ve seen models rock some pretty bizarre outfits on the catwalk. Capes would fit right in. Now, it’s unlikely that commoners like us will ever strut down a runway, but you should take comfort in the idea that more than a few fashion elite will don far stranger apparel.

[highlight] #5: Fencing Lessons [/highlight]

My exposure to fencing is limited to Princess Bride scenes. However, who would dare question your authority if you wore a swishy cape to your lessons? No one, that’s who! Put yours on with pride and pepper in a few Dread Pirate Roberts quotes, and other students will have no choice but to admire your moxie.

[highlight] #6: Renaissance Faires and Medieval Times [/highlight]

I know, I know – medieval- and renaissance-style capes differ from those worn by comic book heroes. But you wouldn’t raise any eyebrows if you attended a renaissance faire or a medieval-themed outing in any cape, because guests’ eyes would gravitate toward the abundance of other guests’ sideboob instead (thanks to skimpy chain mail outfits).

[highlight] #7: Theme Parks [/highlight]

Say what you will about Walt Disney World and Universal Studios, but I triple-dog dare you to visit one of them and fail to have an absolute blast. Even the grumpiest of grumps enjoy themselves at the right park. Hell, even Six Flags has its moments and that’s nowhere near on-par with the bigger theme parks! Well, your fun will multiply if you’re wearing a cape and no one will harass you for it. Don’t believe me? Try it sometime and report back.

[highlight] #8: A Trip to New Zealand [/highlight]

What’s in New Zealand? Plenty. Mainly, though, The Lord of the Rings and Hobbiton sightseeing tours. In my experience, wealthy nerds are just as accepting as broke ones. In fact, cape wearing will be so commonplace on a Middle Earth tour that you may have to step it up a notch and dress in full hobbit costume just to garner a double take. (No, I’ve unfortunately never been to New Zealand or the Lord of the Rings tour. You’re a lucky bastard if you have! It’s not cheap).

[highlight] #9: Wear a Cape Day [/highlight]

You mean you didn’t already know about Wear a Cape Day? Seriously? Well, there’s a good reason for that, because it doesn’t exist – yet. (Note to self: Start an official Wear a Cape Day and make the world a better place). Until it’s a real thing, I recommend wearing a cape wherever you want and justifying it by telling naysayers that it’s National Wear a Cape Day. Then they’ll look like the fools!

That about does it for my cape article – wait, you know what? Fuck it. I’m adding a #10 to the list, and it’s right here: Wear your doggone cape whenever and wherever you want. You read this post because you wanted to know if your desire to wear a cape would be publicly ridiculed by the masses, right? Don’t worry about what they think. People shy away from things they don’t understand, including public cape-wearing, but who cares. When you’re in an old folks’ home and reminisce about your life, you’ll wish you’d done whatever made you happy in your younger days! (Oh shit, there’s a #11! Old people can get away with anything they damn well please.)

Now, tie your cape around your shoulders if it isn’t there already and go get some fresh air. Maybe the wind will catch it and make you feel like a badass! That’s one of the simplest but most satisfying moments for a costumed geek. You know I’m right.

Where do you like to wear your cape?

Image credit to Jenn and Tony Bot on Flickr (I require nearly everything they sell).

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