True Statements That Make You Sound Like a Pretentious Ass

We’ve all uttered one of these phrases in our lifetimes, and you’re a liar from Liar Town if you try to deny it. It doesn’t matter if truth resides in the statement or not, because any of these 4 things automatically makes people think you’re a prize ass. For your convenience, I’ve included the statements alongside rough translations to give you an idea of how they’re interpreted by others.

What you say: “The book was better.”

What people hear: “I read books and that means I’m more intellectual than you.”

I catch myself saying this a lot, and I feel pompous every time. Reading has always been and will always be one of my favorite pastimes, so I tend to consume books like crazy and refuse to shut up about them. Does that mean I think non-readers are dummies? Of course not. However, friends or family who have only seen the movie (or TV show) tend to misconstrue such literature gushing as holier-than-thou.

What you say: “That’s not really my style.”

What people hear: “I wouldn’t buy (or do) that if someone had a knife to my throat.”

This one applies to virtually everything, from cars and clothing to life changes and personality traits. Oh, you rented a new apartment in the heart of a big city? Good for you, but that’s not really my style. Thanks for taking the time to show me that bubble skirt you thought I’d wear, but that’s not really my style. Antonio and Rayanne went to a theme park for their honeymoon? That’s not really my style. See? There’s no way to convey such a statement without risking an arrogant reputation.

What you say: “I’ve known that for years.”

What people hear: “Duh! You didn’t know that? I figured it out already and can’t believe you haven’t.”

Elitism is unavoidable if you say this to somebody. I’ve heard it in response to gossip like, “It turns out, he didn’t go to college because of his low SAT score,” and also in response to generic trivia questions. Even if you learned of something when you were still crapping your diapers, saying this will send a powerful message (that you’re a dick) to whomever talks to you.

What you say: “I like their old stuff more.”

What people hear: “My tastes are more refined than yours.”

We all judge famous authors, artists, and musicians to some extent on their work, but few things sound more pompous than the above. Its blend of subtle snobbery lets others know that you’ve been reading/watching/listening to the artist for longer than they have, and that you’re knowledgeable on the subject. In fact, this statement (whether it’s true of the artist or not), is especially unique because it insults both the person you’re speaking to and the creator with one swing of your wit.

It’s a free country and you shouldn’t restrict your words just to sound humble, but be aware of almost-pretentious statements in your conversations. People might roll their eyes at you if you say one of them. And as a general rule, if you could picture the phrase on a “condescending Wonka” meme, then it’ll probably still make you sound like a douche.

Question time! How many of these have you said before you even realized it? I’m sure more accidentally pompous phrases exist – can you think of any to add?

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